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Wanted: Volunteers for My Library Is... Advisory Group

Posted on September 2, 2020

Are you interested in library advocacy and outreach? Want to help RAILS libraries tell their story and make the case for increased support/funding? Apply to be a My Library Is.. Advisory Group member!

Bailey Hager, finishing a Virtual Story Time and Craft activity.

Finding Our Voice: Storytime and Summer Reading in the Time of COVID-19

Posted on August 31, 2020

Colona District Public Library’s Youth Services assistant, Bailey Hager, had a very busy spring and summer. Bailey began a Virtual Story Time in March which will continue indefinitely. She purposefully chose books to match crafts she was demonstrating using items easily found in a home. She used different voices to act out the parts of various characters in the books.

Northlake Public Library Facebook Page.

Creating Cohesiveness in Digital Channels to Reach Spanish-Speaking Audiences

Posted on August 24, 2020

As librarians working during COVID-19, our main challenge is to understand our community’s needs when social distancing is a must. In the past three months, the Northlake Public Library District has worked through four different re-opening phases that required constant adaptation and resilience.

Norbert at the Window. Image credit: Illinois Prairie District Public Library.

A Bearded Dragon in a Virtual Escape Room: Norbert's Census Adventure

Posted on August 3, 2020

When the initial coronavirus shutdown came in early March, no one had any idea long it would actually last. Libraries closed with little or no warning. Books that were checked out could not be returned, new books could not be checked out, and all the programs and activities that libraries pride themselves on were cancelled.

Fountaindale Public Library Bookmobile.

The Virtual Life of Outreach or How to Remain Relevant in the Time of Social Distancing

Posted on July 29, 2020

When life felt normal, before the Coronavirus outbreak became a pandemic, a typical day for the Outreach Services Team at Fountaindale Public Library District would look like this:

Image credit: PalosPark Public Library.

Library Programs Bridge the Distance

Posted on July 24, 2020

Bridie Murphy faithfully attends story time with Ms. B at the Palos Park Public Library. She listens to the welcome song, looks at all the pictures, and knows when to say goodbye. With the implementation of social distancing regulations, story time looks a little different now. Rather than joining other children in the library, she watches Ms.

Image credit: American Libraries Magazine.

The Rewards of Pandemic Library Work

Posted on July 8, 2020

Like many people going through their daily routine, I left work on March 12th not realizing what was coming next. I just finished another successful monthly book club meeting and I was looking forward to a weekend road trip with the girls. It was planned six months previous and we were all excited to get away and enjoy Nashville.

Image credit: National University of the Health Sciences.

My Library Is... (and Was) Still Open!

Posted on July 1, 2020

When a librarian at one of the state universities called to survey this academic library about our plans for re-opening from the pandemic, our response that “we never closed” was met with shock.

Decorative image.

How to Answer the "Why Do We Need Libraries?" Question

Posted on June 16, 2020

What would you say if someone (a library user, potential user, administrator, funder, colleague, friend, relative, neighbor, elected official, etc.) asked you any of the following questions and you had less than 30 seconds to answer before losing the interest of your audience?

COVID Chronicles. Image credit: La Grange Public Library.

My Library Is... Collaborating with Our Local Writers Group!

Posted on June 8, 2020

We are excited to share a recently completed anthology created by the Brookfield Writers Group (BWG) and the La Grange Writers Group (LGWG) titled "Covid Chronicles: 19-word Stories." While this anthology is a record of individual experiences and perspectives during this pandemic, it is also a demonstration that creative collaboration is possible during a time of social distancing!