9 October 2020

Illinois Prairie District Public Library

Each year, in the fall, our Germantown Hills branch hosts a field trip for the local elementary school kindergarten classes.  The students come to the library, tour the facility and learn about our resources, then they get their first library card (registrations are sent home ahead of time).  This year, because of capacity limits and distancing guidelines, we were unable to host the students in person, so we made a short video to send to the classes, just to give the kids a taste of the library, if they have never been before.

This is our first stab at a "video production" beyond just filming video story hours.  The learning curve was a little steep at first, but the plug-&-play capability for the video, audio, and graphics got much easier as we got further into the process.  I am looking forward to doing more short videos to help promote our library and its resources.